If the download looks as if it has frozen, be patient. Install Gmod to the Steam user’s home directory: force_install_dir. Or log in with your Steam username: login example_user steamcmd.shįrom the SteamCMD prompt, login anonymously: login anonymous Install an additional 32-bit package: sudo yum install ncurses-libs.i686īe sure you are in the directory ~/Steam, then access the Steam> prompt. sudo firewall-cmd -zone=public -add-port=27000 27030/udp -permanent This inserts a rule for port 10999 after the pre-existing rules for SteamCMD. This command assumes that you have only the firewalld rules in place from the SteamCMD guide.
Prerequisites for Garry’s Modįrom the SteamCMD guide, two additional steps are needed specifically for Gmod.Īdd a firewall rule. If you’re not familiar with the sudo command, you can check our Users and Groups guide. Commands that require elevated privileges are prefixed with sudo. This guide is written for a non-root user.